In the old days, buckwheat pancakes (Galettes ) were used as a substitute for bread, e.g. in Brittany.
Today, we fill them with ham, fried eggs or cheese which makes the dish warm and filling and also allows you to enjoy the full bouquet of various flavours.
Here is one of the recipes: (enough for 10 pancakes):
250 gm of buckwheat flour
1 egg
Butter (approx. 2 tablespoons)
Salt (preferably coarse sea salt)
Water (about 400 ml)
Olive oil
Sift the flour into a bowl, add eggs and salt then stir and gradually add water to produce a thin dough. Let it stand for at least an hour (you may leave it the for the whole night).
Whip again and add a little melted butter.
Warm up the pan, add some butter pour the dough on the hot pan. The pancake has to be very thin. When the edges of the pancake begin to change colour, roll it over to the other side.
The edges of the pancake should be square.
We serve galettes with grilled turkey, roasted cherry tomatoes along with Maasdamer cheese and mint sauce together with chilli and lime.
Enjoy! 🙂